Saturday 4 July 2009

1258 Wishing

Monday January 14th 2008 could become and important day but wishfullness will have to make way for willpower. Is there such a word as wishfullness? I have been awake and active for several hours although it is only 9am. I tend to wash up kitchen utensils once a day in the morning and for once the wheelie bin was put out before the majority of neighbours. Usually I can hear the waste disposal vehicle backing down the back lane.

I have sorted out the outstanding work filing and registration and will complete before going out to the bank walking as it looks fine with rain later though so perhaps will go out earlier than later, Need the walk to make up for having a small packet of hot cereal, Quaker type oats as well as two slices of toast.

First work completed photographing MySpace Blogs creative 5509 5514 231 photos. Last night I completed development sets 1976 1980 and 276 photographs. Last night I completed the registration of 7 set volume of Rivera 2007 and this morning completed the photographing of photographs and text 278 photographs. Completed the volume sets on the House of Windsor last night with 292 photographs. Previous a six set volume on Christmas but not photographed. The second volume of Rivera information, drafts, including draft pictures completed 9685 9690 273 photographs. Communications 19526 19528 set volume completed.120 photographs completed There were various additional sets registered including film 2007 and My Space Friends published information Present total of photographs taken since commencing in 2003 368265, sets 6929, involving cards completed 166296, sets completed this month so far 63.

For an early lunch soup with two rolls and this evening the rest of he chicken breast in a pre made tomato sauce and rice. A glass of wine and later much later some grapes. The intention has been banana and custard but because of the early start I had two sleeps to day both after meals and I am only now awake again at 10.40 again.

Tomorrow morning instead of getting ready to travel to London I will first go through the in tray. I may go to the pictures or recommence the work involving Mabel, or both

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