Sunday 6 December 2009

1330 Unsettled Interlude

01.30- 02.30 am The transition between Winter time and British Summer time, on a Spring Day which commenced as bright and sunny, glistening across the river, developed into cold and wet, tired and discontented with myself and overwhelmed with negativity. Because I wanted to write more than I had time for before setting off for the football, I arrived later than ever and was very fortunate to find a parking space which involved a little more walking than usual.

It was 14.00 instead of 13.30 as planned, so although I eat my sandwich briskly and always like my coffee hot, I knew I could not wait longer to see if the rain stopped before making way to the stadium. I had my hat and an umbrella was of use as long as it was held consistently in one direction to avoid being blown inside out. In the stadium most of the neighbours who I usually watch arrive were already seated but there was time for a little chat before the teams were announced and the game commenced. There was a bright start and then disaster a silly goal was given away, but the opposition looked just as fragile, at times even more so, and the manager appeared to have abandoned the negative approach which so frustrated everyone and there was some attempt to pass balls to feet or for players to run on instead of the continuous putting of balls to the head of the centre forward for him to knock down pointlessly as none of his team were in the vicinity. I could understand the decision to strengthen the back with the mid field holding position and the long ball helped to maintain this, but when the result a continuous defeat away and a boring and moderately successful home play then even I would get the message and try something else. There were countless opportunities to score, including for the opponents to improve their position but we equalised with a tap in where our player was generally thought to be offside but the replay later on the evening proved that the referee and linesman had got the decision correct and it was a legitimate goal. Perhaps it was because the opponents now have nothing to play for situated in mid table and without home of playing in Europe. But they showed no spine and little will to win throughout most of the second half and we squandered several chances including a couple I was confident I would not have missed even at my age and lack of hand and eye and foot coordination. I am usually opposed to those who leave early in such situations but twice before this season I have done so for an important goal to be scored as I made my way down the stairs and wundabar it happened again as I was on the lower of the steps so I ahd an excelled view of the strike, visited the gentleman’s where everyone was chatting to everyone about the significance as Bolton had surrendered a two goal lead against Liverpool and now look strong candidate for relegation along with Derby, confirmed following a 2.2 home, and Fulham where Oxford beat Cambridge in the boat race as I made my way homeward, having first enjoyed the rest of the coffee. I cannot leave this aspect of my life without mentioning an impressive performance from Michael Chopra who although placed out of position on the e wing showed great enthusiasm from having been recalled into the side and went all over the field to work for his colleagues, showing a side of him which will encourage the manager to think of him again.

18.15 I had a glass of wine, and a few peanuts and set to work and later a spicy pizza and some grapes and around 23.00 a coffee and three wholemeal biscuits.

19.00 22.00 There were lots of little project jobs to do but progress was slow because I was tired with an emotionally stressed tiredness, Throughout the day I had been reminding myself of shortcomings and although critical self appraisal is a constant companion, and the translation of this into the referenced experience in the artistic and creative work of others is an important aspect of project work, to-day it debilitated and I was unable able to divert my attention away to something more constructive. For example the British cycle team have won nine gold Medals at the Manchester venue of this year’s world championship, so far an historic development and I had intended to look for records as with the Boat race but such was my state that I forgot.

22.00-23.30 I watch the Sunderland replay and then the remains of Match of the day without enthusiasm and continue laboured project work

23.30. 01.00 Even more laboured work, and I go bed restless but not feeling like staying up. This was soon appreciated to have been a mistake.

01.30 after half an hour I get up knowing that all I will do by staying is toss and turn and think of things over which I have no control and little influence. It is then I discover that the clock move forward as is registered on my desktop. It is now 02.30

03.21 I write this slowly thinking of this and that along the way. I have remembered to put out the joint to defrost. I will return to bed and find out if I am able to settle. Alas I decided to play a game or two to relax and gain a sense of achievement but did not feel like chess where I had played badly with several drawn games so tried my hand at hearts, a game which I need not yet understand and where the computer appeared to stack odds against you in such a way that even if you avoided being the one ending the game by scoring 100 points it seemed impossible to win. There is some skill involved in selecting cards to pass over and in which cards are selected to lead but unlike chess there is only limited control. I made the mistake of giving the game full attention and then of course coming close to a win I continued until I did. It was well past 5 am when I went back to bed but this time it was not long before I lost memory and awareness.

07-09. I did get up once returning to sleep immediately and it was just before midday when I staggered up. Thus I had slept for seven hours which was remarkable given sleeping during the day twice and had only risen once confirming this trend.
11.55 There were several overnight e mails but no win on the weekend lottery games. One e mail was from a major bus travel company reminding that nation wide free travel commences in April but the list of authorities to contact did not include my own so perhaps the new passes are being delayed to avoid confusion before April1st. I have a delivery expected on Monday but if it arrives before 17.00 I will visit the local transport centre to find out the position if nothing arrives in the post. I returned my completed gold card application for the Metro system in good time.

14.00 So far I have managed to change all the clock forward the hour except the phone which is annoying as it did not change automatically. However I want to move on and complete my work on the Lord of the Rings. There as football to watch with the Boro at Chelsea but when they lost a goal in the opening five minutes I turned off to concentrate on the writing. A loss will be a good result for us in that we should then catch them up and achieve a higher position. Similarly Newcastle losing or drawing will be good for us and I mind less now they also appear to be safe from relegation. It is therefore 24 hours since working or writing on the Lord of the Rings which is disappointing but it also illustrates the reality of my life. I shall complete the target of 4 new project sets a day and 120 for the month though.

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