Thursday 4 February 2010

1374 The Patio and some TV

My body is tired from a day of unusual physical activity and my brain is numb. I want to write but I allow myself to be distracted. The cause of this condition was not a long walk or prolonged activity but a solid day of giving the small patio and garage areas a thorough pre summer clean and planting. There was time ton watch a film Distant Drums I think but I retain some images, to catch up with missed viewing, Waking the Dead a two parter and Doctor Who, some cricket and the midday and late night political programmes which merit further comment. I also did a work sort out, knowing that I fallen way behind the achieved target of the previous two months but may at least manage an average of 100 new work sets a months for the last three, which is the lowest number planned for the remaining year.

First however more about the patio and garage area which was in two parts. The main part was to nearly completing the planting; nearly because I bought more plants than containers and may acquire some more from a visit to Asda later as I need some new razor blades as the set I acquired last time has been a disaster and is scrape with the consequences of cuts. First before than some toast having gulped coffee which brings indigestion. Usually I write later into the night and correct and rewrite first thing mornings, but it is already 10.40 the following morning so I rely more on memory than usual and on getting what I want say right first go and an order of significance to me.

I created the base of the patio (when) with red textured flagstones separated by redee, purplish tinged grey chippings cover the whole area and a concrete ridge which has the effect of surface water moving towards the first of two outside open grill drain points, with the second the other side of the back door and which takes water from the kitchen sink and the washing machine as well as the. garage roof. (I have allowed the toast to harden so am liberal with the spread to compensate which reminds of the two submarine mariners Tyrone Power and Dana Andrews as they returned from a tour under the waves and ordered, fresh milk, fresh vegetables, fruit and lashings of butter in quantities which would have been regarded as obscene in the UK as we survived on powdered milk without tropical or Mediterranean fruits and vegetables.)

I have four giant pottery tubs. (I must create a 101 photo album) of a redee bluee mauve. The first has my pride and joy a large nameless evergreen which has more than doubled in size since it was rescued from its neglected condition while the house was attempted to be sold over a year. Its base has become tree like divided into two with a present height of 62 inches and a spread approaching 47 inches. The second evergreen was of smaller size but the differential has increase so that it is about half the size of the other but with a similar spread and wider leaves, but has remained sickly and requires constant attention but again looks amazing given its inherited parlous state.

The two other plantings in the big container tell a different story. I bought the Hydrangea Blue Lace cap lat into the its season June October because of the unusual nature of its flowers, but they have never reproduced in the same way since and I have promised to find out more about the plant which I have kept in partial shade and well watered, and which in theory should grow in height and width. The failure this season and tis mine and mine alone is the most expensive of the purchases a standard Fuchsia Red Tyrol acquired for £14.98 and provide a magnificent feast of continuous colour until the autumn. Alas although I did read the instructions and had planned to move into the garage covered area, I forgot and the late spring frosts may have killed the plant although there are some slight signs of life towards the base. I have transferred to a small pot contained and replaced with a new Evergreen, an Aucuba Crontonfolia, a bushy plant with large leaves of bright green and bold golden yellow variegations. It should also teach 60 inches with a 48 inch spread.

I now have five hanging baskets, two inherited and three acquired. The inherited are attractive to look at, located adjacent to each other on house and side wall with attractive metal brackets. The three new ones ate of green plastic and came full of flowering red and mauve trailing petunias last year. These baskets hang from the cross wood guttering which marks the end of the garage on inserted hooks from which was previously hung a large green canvass awning which when dropped full length obscured the garage area from view as well as from raid and wind. It is now used from the an end hook up to cover the wheelie bun and the redundant refrigerator. More on the garage area later,

This year I have change the colour scheme of two of the green plastic baskets to yellow, with trailing Petunias Surfinia Victorian Yellow and which also contain one Chrysanthemum Firecracker. The three other baskets are packed with Surfinia Double Purpose Petunia.

I have three bronze coloured metal window ledge containers each with carrying handles and one of these is packed with Snapdragons La Bella Yellow and the other two with Upright Fuchsia Winston Churchill red and mauve.

This leaves my other pots and one long plastic blue contained which forms the end of large white garden tabled with sits under the garage roof and when I sometime eat a meal or sit and work in whatever space is free. I have a mixture of pots and plants. I have green pots with green pottery sauces although some are green or blue plastic and three posts of different sizes but of similar contemporary design of white stone with geometric glass like inserts. In one of these I have I am trying a Perennial Lupin Gallery White. I am also trying a Celosia Venezuela with mauve feathery flowers which are already bringing colour to the table along with the peaking Chrysanthemum. The long smoky blue container is full of yellow snap dragons, the peaking Chrysanths and training Petunia which should as last year hang over the container and table end. I have a large upright Geranium Tango Neon Purple in addition to a tray of other uprights Bullseye Cherry where I need more pots to fit on the window ledge. Two pot geraniums survived from last year and two of the smaller ones are already potted and on the table. I also have three other survivors of last year. One post is full of green shoots some six inches in height but what are they ? And there are two other plants from two years ago whose name is on the tip of my tongue but which a quick look at a photo gardening book failed to identify.

Yesterday's work including scrubbing the flagstone, removing weather debris from the chippings and then cleaning out the fridge to make into a store and then cleaning out one of the drains. The spring bulb collection was sorted and put under the table for the greenery to dry and decay. Need to clean and attend to the side of the garage where I have a shelf with plates and goblets and then the frame of pictures. The floor requires a good scrubs but I will defer repainting until next year or the year after as although the blue has faded, the surplus paint from my former home should last until then. I will leave this until later or tomorrow as I want to make progress elsewhere.

I was able catch up the TV as the audio driver arrived although I had difficulty working out how to run and need to ring back the agents who have proved to be exceptionally helpful. I still have reservations about this series of Dr Who but its simple message that violence begets violence was well scripted and acted. Waking the Dead was also interesting with theme of the power of beliefs and guilt when the demons of darkest fears within are released. In this instance white man's corruption of the ancient Navaho culture. However as with the series so far the underlying issue was the relationship between father and estranged drug taking son, whose death from an overdose is announced as the programme ends after Trevor Eve has brought some comfort to the son of the principle murder victim. It was also semi final night when David Cook stole the march on David Aucheleta and both at the expense of Seyesha Mercardo although I thought she put up a great fight. I will leave the politics until tomorrow

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