Monday 23 February 2009

1057 Black as Hell

As a friend has pointed out Black is not a colour but is the "shade of objects that do not reflect light in any part of the spectrum .

Black as a symbolism has many negative usages and where there is a problem discussing because of racial negativism. Fortunately Wikipedia reminds that Black has many positive aspects beginning with the Maasai Tribes of Kenya and .Tanzania where it is associated with rain clouds, thus becoming a symbol of life and prosperity. Having previously mentioned 2001, in 2010 the Black monolith becomes the bringer of new life on an unimaginable scale.

Black is also the colour of prestige, authority and seriousness and being in the Black is used to indicate good financial standing.

Black can also be neutral although I suspect that many will disagree with the assertion that Black Metal is a neutral style of music or that members of the contemporary Goth subcultures dressing in black are seeking to make a statement of neutrality rather than like me attempt to hide overweight.
Hell is a place which some believe exists in its own physical dimension while others have regarded as a concept statement about a state of human feeling and thought governed by events and circumstances which may or may not be within the ability of one individual to affect. One the most recent acts of Pope Benedict has been to tell members of the Catholic church that Hell is a place that exists independently of human thought and creativity, and is eternal.

As a Catholic brought up child, my daymare was of a devil rather than a place. As an adolescent I experienced the Rodin Hates of Hell in picture form as well as his Lovers at the Tate, but the visual image which affected me most was only of recent years, in the Robin Williams film, What Dreams May Come. In the films Hell has several chambers which include the intermediary stages of purgatory and limbo. The film communicates those who feel hell to be a cold and dark place and those who regard the experience of one of intense heat where individuals are in the constant pain of their flesh burning, or the sensation of being drowned, asphyxiated or slowly torn apart. What most faiths and beliefs also assert is that human behaviour during physical life, from the age of reason and responsibility, governs what happens afterwards, although some religions see Hell as a stop over during which subsequent reincarnation is determined. Most have the belief that once you descend into hell the placement is eternal, although some are left suspended, some indefinitely, and some subject to the intervention of others, as is the core issue in What Dreams May Come.

I have yet to meet anyone who is prepared to say that if Hell and Heaven exists, and they are given a choice, they would prefer hell to heaven.

A significant aspect of the concept of Hell is that it is populated by beings in addition to the souls of dead. Just as there is belief in a one God there is the belief in one Devil, one Satan, although the reality has been dimensions and physical faces. In some instances Satan has a range of helpers who can operate between the dimensions of the living and the dead, and humans can actively participate and sign up, usually in exchange for earthly experiences of powers and pleasures, as priests and priestesses, witches and warlocks, Devil's daughters, and Satan's concubine. There are also many examples in literature and film where a devil has impregnated humans with its offspring, with or without, the consent of the host female, in contrast with that of Jesus where the position was explained to his earthly mother in advance and she willingly gave consent.

My own view, as I approach the end of my physical existence? I have known through the experience of others, and through my own something of the nature of hell, and although some have been moved to suicide, for most it am a temporary condition of varying length. Beyond that I have a mind which remains to be convinced, but where the rapid approach of finding out tends to make one cautious of indulging in further sin, and for seeking redemption for those knowingly previously committed. And what of Evil, of Satan, and of Satan's helpers? That is for tomorrow.
This is an incredible Blog! I am surprised I am the 1st to comment. When I think of hell that movie also comes to mind. One of the saddest flicks I have ever seen yet it was perfection, also the movie Silent Hill comes to mind, one of the most terrifying movies I have seen.
Black is also a color of protection. Priests wear black, and black is not the absence of color. I think clear would be the absence of colour. Drunvalo Melchisadik wrote that there was no such thing as dark matter, that we only perceive it black because our pupils are designed to only take in light directed at us. If we took in all light we would be blinded, in conclusion he says what we see as dark matter is merely light we cannot see. Posted by

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