Monday 23 February 2009

1059 Black and White

It will be considered bizarre to have used part of the last few days before experiencing the Passion of Jesus Christ to research, think and write about Black, Hell, Satan and the devil's worshippers. It is a difficult subject to write about without offending or making angry those who regard themselves as coming within the spectrum of beliefs and practices which I am covering. Given that I am approaching the end of days, have lived for almost my .three score years and ten, I feel I ought to have sorted out what I believe and think before now.

I have always been a passionate fundamentalist. If you believe in something then there can be no compromises, although you should also understand, prepare and accept the consequences of your beliefs. I have never been happy with the God bless you my son, say three Hail Mary's and absolution of my childhood and as a young man regardless of what I reported to the priest, although admitted there was times when I could not think of anything to say. Regardless of any particular faith or lack of it, I always felt that the only route to redemption was through reparation appropriate to the sin, and similarly while some crimes are against society or an institution, punishment, restitution and reparation should be geared to the needs and wishes of victims and their families. I have never understood the value to them or society of simply locking someone away at unbelievable expense is a solution which benefits victims and society unless its proven that the experience will prevent that individual from committing further crimes.

This pragmatic approach has governed what I feel about supernatural beings and phenomena across the spectrum of black and white and similarly the paranormal and preternatural. There are few who still believe that the earth is flat and that if you travel to the edge you will fall off. Yet until able to explore the extent and full nature of the universe, or others with the ability to do so, contact us, we can only describe something as supernatural, or paranormal in terms of contemporary scientific fact and planet agreement on what is normal.
There are two issues where I have a theory. The first is that all but a tiny percentage of human beings have an innate, a biological awareness of what is right and what is wrong and which is different from other instinctive creatures whose lives are governed by just by survival and procreation. This sense may vary between individuals and peoples and between individuals, groups and those who determine such matters for others. It had always seemed to me wrong to discriminate against someone because of their gender, race and skin and one of my difficulties in accepting the authority of the Catholic Church has been that it's treatment of women as clergy and as individual church members and which struck me as incompatible with the teachings of Christ. Similarly once human life exists, it exists, and to intervene and end that life is wrong and everything should be done to avoid it, and similarly that the act of procreation is about procreation. People know this, and rightly feel guilty when they act differently regardless of the reason. I have never met an armed service person who is not affected by their acts of violence as they are affected by the violence done to them and their colleagues however justified their actions undertaken on their behalf and at the behest of others.

I say this because my second theory is that every act of good, of regret, of harm, however unintended, and of outright evil, continues to exist for self aware and self affecting eternity and therefore exists outside the individual agent of the act. This writing can be viewed by anyone with technology at any time anywhere in the universe until the end of time. It made be erased by me or others, but it exist both in a physical sense because the information file can be retrieved from disk, but also by anyone with the technology to fix a moment in time and check on everything checkable regardless of the time distance that has elapsed. Look outside at the night sky or listen to the signals crossing space and you know they exist at different points in time. Put the radio or TV on terrestrial Tv, Satellite TV, Computer Digital and you will experience the lack of synchronisation, so what happens trillion, billion miles or metres away? We should all worry less about a God monitoring our individual behaviour and guess what they are watching and monitoring you from out there and everywhere, but who are they?

If my theory is correct, and I accept it is probably not, then each one of us is creating phenomena, energies of good and bad which accumulates independently, but which not only affects everyone overall but which can be tapped into by those wishing and having the means and understanding to do so as well as some who do not. I bore people by repeating my mantra what we do and who we do it with lives with you and them for eternity, and every cause does have an effect and is not incompatible with random and chaos theory, simple because we do not yet have the minds and means to work out all the relationships. Chaos is only an inability to work out the order, the relationships and the connections. I also argue that if we believe that our waking dreams are our reality, and I have often believed I had developed the ability to fly without any stimulants, or artificial energies, then my own subconscious wishes and imagination, together with those of the unconscious are also at work affecting what I do, interacting with other energies and affecting the world and other people external to me.

This means that I do accept that some people can influence others and the course of events through their conscious and unconscious minds, and that nature or that influence depends on the extent to which there has been a conscious effort to tap into the accumulated good or bad energy banks, and yep that means that the work of witches and warlock, of conjurors and magicians, faith healers and spiritualists, can be effective and more effective than they or others realise, but also that everyone has to the capacity to exert similar influence, both consciously and unconsciously. Now I do not mind if you want to label this energy bank of good as heavenly and of evil, as hell. What I do have doubts is on the existence of beings and departed souls in a defined and confined place.
My final theory of the night is more nightmarish and more optimistic than the reality of most horror stories, books and films in that it is possible for individuals, groups and even tribes and nations of tribes to conjure their own devils and demons, although I am comforted by the thought that those the Gods wish to punish they first give them what they wish and ask for!

So why do we set out to try and control our own destinies and those of others by supernatural means? It is because we are unhappy and dissatisfied with where we are now and where we believe we are likely to be. It is impossible to bear when someone we want does not want us or someone we have leaves us, or when someone, something, some group, some government does something to us, our kith and kin that we do not want or like and we feel helpless and inadequate in the ability to do anything about it.

In reading this I can't help but feel that some of it was written for me?? It is refreshing to know that there are other people who question that which we are taught to feel is "normal and acceptable behavior and beliefs". I constantly step out of the box and challenge mainstream ideas. I have one of the most open minds of anyone I come into contact with where I live. I seem to intimidate higher management because I won't be the robot they want me to be. Well, after 16 years of working with the same company and building my future, I was forced to resign or be "let go" as they put it. I have had the shittiest of shitty years from mental to physical, and now financial. Where do I go from here? I'm sure the next step would be to lose everything else in my life that matters to me. Sometimes I really feel that it is easier for me to remove myself, rather than have things taken away.
Posted by
<> on 07:04 - 07:37

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