Wednesday 11 November 2009

1307 World religions, Vera Drake, Hitlers Daughter

People across earth have speculated on the origin of what they could see, on the existence of a first cause or creator, on the nature of humans among other beings and on the specific relationship between human beings and the origin of the universe. I grew up with the God of Judaism and Christianity and with concept and chronology from Eve and her partner Adam through to me and you. I knew little of the God of Islam, or that there was Mbomo, a white giant according to the Bakuba, Mangala according to the Mandika, Olorun or Olodumare according to the Yoruba, Unkulkunkulu according to the Zulu, Kamui according to the Ainu of Hokkaido, JoMulJu according to the Koreans, that the Orok of Sakhalim believe the first being was Hadau, Izaanagi and Izanami according to the Shinto, the First Cause in those of Zen, Ymir was the first being according to the Norse, the Trimurti of Brahmas according to the Hindu, Marduk according to the Babylonian, there was also Atum in the Ennead, Ra arose in the Ogdoad and Ptah of the Egyptians, Ahura Mazada according to Zorastreianism, Enuma Elish according to the Mesopotamians, Coatlique according to the Aztec. Jamahara according to the Polynesian, Pele according to the Hawaiians, Ranginui and Papatuanuku according to the Maori, Con Tiqui Viracocha according to the Incas, Tepeu and Gucamtaz according to the Mayan and others with concepts of first cause blackness, of water, of earth, of Gods with a multitude of names and first human beings.
Of course it is absurd to present this list in such a way that similar weight or significance is given to the beliefs and understandings, or to imply that they are similar or connected and my clue was to preface the list by saying that the speculation was based on what people could see of the land which they inhabited and the extent to which they travelled the earth world.

It was not until the spherical nature of earth was established that other objects perceived in every direction were also understood to have spherical and other forms of mass and shape separately from others in space, that humans accepted and then commenced to understand the solar system, and then our galaxy, and then that other galaxies existed. The ability to date matter has enabled us to believe that the oldest natural material on earth is 3.9 billion years of age and that the oldest piece of material know to have reached earth from space is 4.6 billions years of age.

There was speculation about the origin of our solar system and galaxy and this became more defined as we commenced to be able to measure distance in terms of light years and to understand the behaviour of energy, force, motion, mass and matter, and its particle and sub particle components. Symbolism became increasing necessary to describe the calculations and the understanding because of the inadequacy of words. Take the concept of infinity, of endlessness and timelessness. Because we like to think in terms of cause and effect there has to be a first cause and if there was a first cause there has to be an end cause, whereas the universe has always existed and always will, although it changes in appearance and content. It is of interest that in Jainism the universe is eternal but changeable and similarly Mormonism understands that physical reality, space, matter and energy is eternal and therefore does not have an absolute origin.

It is therefore evident that human beings could not and did not exist on earth before there were natural conditions to sustain human life. This does not mean that earth is the only physical mass in the universe to have developed human beings with similar capacities or that other beings have not developed with different abilities and capacities such as to be able to communicate and to travel great distance or survive in different environments to our own. Given the endlessness of space and time it would be irrational to say that beings, human and in other forms have not existed, do exist and will exist across the universe, although those of my and more recent generations may never learn or see such people in our time of self awareness.

Unless we are contacted or visited by other beings or human beings with the capacity to travel the distances necessary, it should be our continuing priority to ensure that as many can survive as the earth planet can survive, and that given the finite nature of the planet and of humans being able to survive on earth planet collectively, we should allocate some activity to exploring the possibility of some human being able to survive in different environments to earth or in the earth for environments similar to earth and of the means of travelling with the equipment and supplies to do so.

Given the record of humans prematurely terminating the lives of other humans throughout our known and recorded history it is difficult to argue for the individual right to life and therefore I have never judged adversely anyone individually or collectively who intentionally ends the life of others, in the defence and survival of themselves , their families and their community, or who attempts to prolong their own lives, those of their families and community. I have understood why given the choice between the life of a mother and a child, for example, some may chose the mother, because she has other children, or because she is making an important contribution, while some may chose the child because it is the mother's wish, or just because it is new life against old life.

I hesitated watching Vera Drake, for a time today, because it dealt with the actions of one woman who terminated the pregnancy of other women and girls who did not wish to have the child and where the state did not sanction any termination or had restricted termination to situations which these women did not qualify for. While there may some human beings who regard termination similar to going to a dentist, my experience during my social work and social service life, indicated that this was not so, just as their reasons why some children were and are placed for adoption, for fostering or into residential care. Diablo Cody's Juno, will Ellen Page, explores just one situation. The character Vera Drake was not an easy one to identify with, although the circumstances of some of those she helped were.

However I did not watch the whole film, deciding to move to something frivolous, but I thought more of the issues later. Faced with the nature of universe, our solar system and our planet and the behaviour of humans throughout the ages, it is irrational of me to talk in terms of the sanctity of all human life, or the natural right to life, or concern about interventions when it comes to matters of birth, life and death, and it will be evident that my Catholic upbringing, give me a child for its first seven years and I give you the adult, continues to have its effect.

It would also be easier to advocate my approach if primarily men had not subjected women, girls and children to physical and sexual violence and to domination on all issues of importance, throughout time and continue to do so. I continue to be affected by images that when our troops are shown talking with Afghans they are always old men and not a woman in view and then one begins to look closer to home and I can see the US voting in another Republican president rather than a woman or a black, now that the Republican candidate is settled and the woman and the black fight each other for the democratic vote. It may be a coincidence but the badly acted and produced film I decided to watch instead of continuing with Vera Drake was called Hitler's Daughter, who is alleged to have been born at he end of the war and smuggled into the USA with the doctor who delivered her, after killing the mother and everyone else who could provide evidence, with the exception of one person thought killed but who survived and built up a record with help which led to the conclusion that one of three influential women in America was the daughter being groomed to create a new Nazi empire within from the USA. In the film the choice is narrowed down between the wife of Vice President who has gained his party's nomination and the female running for Vice President with the other Presidential Candidate. As the film progresses through one ludicrous situation to the other and the body count mounts, the most likely woman is herself murdered together with all those who had collated the evidence or have received the information and we know which was Hitler's daughter as she is sworn into office six months later. Fortunately a copy of the evidence remained and belatedly arrived to the right person at the right time with the implication that he will be able to prevent the Nazi take over of the USA when all others have failed. The thought I had is that the showing of this made for TV Epic over a decade ago was designed to try and scupper the chances of Mrs Clinton or any woman controlling the White, and perhaps more significantly the leadership of the House of the USA Parliament or the Chief Justice head of its Supreme Court.

The thought made me think I should spend more time on housework than writing about economic and political matters which would be best left to those who are mentally gender feminine and life creative.

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