Monday 23 November 2009

1317 Another 24 hours includes They Came to Cordua

12.00. Will continue this format but first some reminders to me. The FA people have told Barnsley they cannot offer tickets to the general public until both club combined indicate there is spare capacity and no doubt the FA will then suggest a different price structure ho ho ho. I hope to get to see a semi Final or Final at the new Wembley before I die. Some toilet cleaner what’s it, to add to shopping list. Need to put potatoes in with roast say 12.15.

13.00 Letter seeking access/copy of medical records completed. Roasting potatoes were put in oven at 12.45. Decide to also seek the medical records of my mother but one thing at a time.

13.15 Have washed and shaved and now go for roast dinner. Hear about developments in Tibet which I need following given my ongoing interest in events in that country.

13.45 I enjoyed lunch and begin to feel siesta drowsiness. Put TV on discover that Australian Grand Prix is later to day, showing the practice for grid placing. Hamilton goes to front of grid as I write. Button is in top ten, for now. One of the Ferrari’s is on the back of grid after stopping on track and requiring assistance great news. Shell are giving model Ferrari’s away with 30 litres of petrol but how many 30 litres etc? Banana and orange with vitamin tablet. Even greater news Alonso down in 12th. Excuse is that car is no good on single laps but performs better over long distance. We shall see, gloat gloating gloat. Lewis H would have become world champ in his first year had it not been for the behaviour of Alonso. Well that is my opinion although from his viewpoint the was just trying to hold onto his position as the World Champion Driver. Reminds me of the mistake Button made when he switched constructors.

14.00 Go for walk to Health centre. The sky has clouded over and there is a cold brisk wind coming from north and therefore not affecting the daffs and other flowers and plants in the patio, protected by walls. There was no post box so will have to repeat trip in the morning. On way back cut off the corner from Ocean Road to Law Road and notice once more the odd situation because as the road turns right there is a corner property at the L junction with four entrance doors adjacent to each without gaps, what kind of accommodation is involved.? My curiosity is such that I take first lane to look to see if the rear of these properties provides the answer. A mystery for another day. The climb back against the wind reminds of my lack of fitness and extent of over weight.

15.00 For the next two hour and a half hours my time is divided between checking the Blog of yesterday and publishing, the progress of Lewis Hamilton in the Australian Grand Prix. The film They came to Cordura and a few more games of chess.

Around 16.00 I eat four crackers with a slice of Leerdammer cheese. It is of a better quality than the slices used for toasting on bread or making an omelette.

I forget the number of times I have seen They came to Cordura. I always forget what it about until commencing the view and even though I quickly remember such is my regard for the subject and the script, the nature of courage and of cowardice and the few reviews I checked concentrate more on the courage and that the cowardice and forget the key statement by Cooper, the third of his films in a week that has been shown, when he notes in the official record that each within every hero there is a crippled child and that although the men he has identified as meriting high awards, are all subsequently shown to be flawed human beings, but they did what they did, and the film ends on a note when the men remembering what their heroics attempt to live up to their new self image accepting their fate for the prior and subsequent actions which they face as they reach the military headquarters at Cordura.

Lewis Hamilton wins in a spectacular race where the cars have been significantly modified to bring back more of the skill of driving than the technical superiority of the vehicles. There are pile ups and individual accidents with the safety car being needed three if not four times so that only just over a third of the starters finish and the Ferrari’s are no where although Alonso does make fourth.

I slip up again in a game of chess around the mid 80’s. I will lick my wounds and start again later. One indicator of resolve.

18.00 Cup of tea time and main project work for rest of the day although I will watch the Ice Dancing Final and then Lewis. Lark Rise to Candelford has ended and I missed final episode and will see if it is available on BBCi

18.45 The first task has been to create three new MySpace Blog double set volumes in preparation for new work. 5570 71, 72 73 and 73 74. This involves inserting the clear pockets for the A4 cards and then creating the registration card for each which includes the number of the card, the number of the accompanying artman glitter card. Then there is number of the sets above and the of the range of individual cards eg 133609- 133632- 33656 is that for sets 5568-5569 completed together with any set title MySpace Blogs 2008. The date when this card was prepared is 13.03.2008. Set 5568 was completed on the 13.03.2008 so has already been recorded under the list of Creative work sets, This list is based on the set numbers so I can ensure that I do not double register or if I make a card for a set and then change my mind about completing this work. There is also the running total list and the newly completed set 5569 is the 7113 set to be completed overall, thus giving a total of 170172 cards overall. I will now photograph this two set volume, ensure that the titles are recorded in the list of Blogs where I am now giving each a number. The photographs remain on a computer until they have copies to CD or DVD in batches. I make two copies and these are stored in secured places and then the number of photos is also listed on a spreadsheet so I have a running total which is now over the 270000 mark.

19.00 Dancing on Ice begins. Missed semi final result when Gareth gates was voted off my the judges. I am a Gareth enthusiast since he came second in the x factor to Will Young and he commenced to conquer his speech impediment. Semi final is misnomer because three skaters were left at the end of the evening and tonight they performed an aerial number, then their favourite performed for the series and then two voted by the public performed the Bolero which brought Torvil and Dean Olympic gold and where I saw the subsequent show twice, in London and Nottingham in a Big tent. The ultimate winner this evening was given a perfect series of 6 out of 6 twice for her two performances and was also given the nod by the chairman of the judges, and something which the public echoed.

20.00 I made a ham salad followed by black grapes. The work was slow with the distractions and the numbers of events sets went astray with signature cards have to be repeated once the error was recognised.
21.00 It was then time for this week’s episode of Lewis, nearly said Morse, and Oxford. This was a well crafted plot on the theme that our sins, and crimes will find us out the more we seek to deceive. The relationship between the Inspector and the Sergeant continued to develop as this week it is Lewis where his recent unfortunate past comes back to haunt him, the death of his wife in
a hit and run accident

23.00 continued working on 100.75 project

00.40 complete work for the day and play chess 10 games in new run

01.05 bed

03.15 Toilet

06.30 Toilet
08.00 Toilet

08.10 Main rubbish bin put out

08.15 Play quick chess aggressively to wake up
09.11. Coffee and washing up.

09.21 Computer time as it is running about 6 mins ahead of actual time according to British Winter time a la Greenwich. I could not find the coffee measure until my brain waved and looked for it in the coffee container, a standard Columbian while I try and remember which container has the decaf and which the hot kicking one. I should be able to tell from sampling but not first thing in the morning.

9.36 procrastinate before work, first after thinking about events in Tibet switch on news only to find that ethnic nationalistic violence has occurred in north Kosovo as Serbs feeling threatened, perhaps threatened by Kosovians with short memories have been revolting with NATO guardians coming under small arm’s fire and a Serbian s commentator indicating that if NATO intervened the situation could escalate with Serbian official intervening to protect Serbians living in Kosovo. I have no idea where blame rests except that the Serbian leaders have precipitated western Europe into dreadful carnage during the last century and there should be no toleration of any behaviour which could create further loss of life of non combatants. With British the British position in Iraq under fire at home and abroad and the lack of moral fibre in the greater part of Western Europe for taking proactive action in Afghanistan and the USA tied up in Iraq and the Presidential elections, it is understandable that wicked med everywhere will attempt to exploited situations for their own ends regardless of the consequences on the innocent and those with the power and the authority to intervene will stand by as is happening in parts of Africa.

10.10 Have a bowl of cereal. Have checked e mail and MySpace where there are Blog comments. In background is an Ian Hendry Film Girl in the Headlines in which he plays a detective finding out the reality of the life of a murdered Supermodel and her friends back in the black and white 1960’s which covers the familiar story of a sixteen year old who gets pregnant by her mother’s lover who then committee suicide that is the lover and the girl and her mother comes to London for an "operation", after which she runs off sleeps around and becomes famous with influential escorts, throughout taking drugs. The film uncovers the influential figures behind the drugs importation and supply but this is all a red herring involving other murders and mayhem and providing no clue as to who shot the woman, her mother.

10.45. Shave wash and get ready to venture out to return to the Health Practice, journey on to the bank and back via supermarket for milk and cereals.

11.30 Out walking for the rest of the morning. Better late than never.

Afterthought 6 points out of ten for exercise and the same for nutrition and quantity of food. Five for project work and overall this has been a 6 out of 10 day

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