Monday 23 November 2009

1316 24 Hours

My work is about translating past experience into 24 hour day sets of displayable work

12.00. Get washed shaved and prepare for going out.

12.20 Post brings letter advising that information re1950 care application unlikely. While dwelling on this and while writing up Blog 313 think about medical records and downloading information from Dept Health site..

Chris Baber Lost and Found CD Volume 1 also in post and changes my thinking and feelings. This is a digitalised recording of live concerts of Sister Rosetta Sharp.1957. I bought her CD and although I cannot remember seeing her live unless she and Chris played at the 100 I cannot remember who played at Cy’s except his band and Mick Mulligan with George Melly, I remember their base player had a ladies floral garter around his instrument top. I did see the second bring over from the USA part of the CD Howard McGhee and Sonny Terry in 1958 when I saw them live on a Riverboat Shuffle to Margate and back on Sunday. I bought their record but did I also seem them separately. I have an uncertain feeling I did but again only if they played the 100.

12.25 Listen to CD listen for a short while and then rush to make a ham salad, a yellow pepper, tomato, but no olives or cucumber, and afterwards two slices of brown bread and some green grapes.

12.45 Download information about obtaining access to medical records and mentally kick myself for not thinking of this before. Will do letter to GP this evening or Sunday

13.15 Ensure I have season ticket book, lock up but forget to bring front door key.

13.30ish Pass near former home, scaffolding is down but major work being undertaken at home of recently deceased disabled solicitor who used to whiz about in his electric chair and would come swimming with his wife at Hotel Leisure club. She went first and then him and their house was up for sale and then sold. There is now no one left who lived in the eight, now nine properties in the Lane from 1974. Lost count of change of owners of the two private hotels. The house next to family home which was the first choice but because of the delay in the selling chain it was bought by Sunderland AFC for its new commercial manager and then changed hands again when he left the club. The former solicitor lived next to this property and next to that there were several owners with one selling the adjacent land for a new detached house to be built. Then a more modern house, rather out of characters with the other properties in the Lane until the second new property was built, that of a former bank manger and his wife both long since departed.

I believe there have been five deaths of residents among the nine properties from at least 50 adults and their children is not a worrying ratio over a period of 50 thirty years, in older properties, or is it, I have no comparison information to judge.

13.40 Find last possible parking space in area close to ground by driving vehicle on pavement on corner, but this is allowed on match days. There is a cold wind so enter ground and buy coffee also a programme hoping it will mark the day we do a Barnsley, I pray that we are not humiliated. For £10 bet the odds are 75.1 for a 1.0 win with a name scorer. 25.1 for a 2.1 win.

14.00 I have until April 4th or is it 5th to renew season ticket at this year’s price, Consider doing this but asking if I can have a lower level seat and near end of aisle and work out area of possibility.

14.15 Take my seat as the back of the stand shelters from the cold wind. Carlos Edwards is playing for the first time since injury Chopra and Richardson are not even on the subs bench although these days they sit in padded and heated hairs with back and head rests.

15.10 After promising start we give away goal from poor marking. However for the rest of the half and then in the second the performance is encouraging, worthy of a win, had we taken any of the three clear cut chances. Roy has got the plot back. We have a number of winnable games left, but we will have to win them which means playing as we did and putting the ball in the back of their net.

16.45ish Leave a few minutes before final whistle in order to not to imprisoned at the back and needed the loo. However reach the car and drive home with no traffic problems.

17.15 arrive home and decide to have some crackers with cheese and a full glass of red wine.

17.30ish check on the Arsenal Boro game but decided on third day of New Zealand V England Cricket Test. Switch between the two as Boro take the lead and England lose wickets.

17.45 Do a Beef Stir fry, with banana Pepsi cola

19.00 Borough manage a draw and England do not reach the hoped for lead of 450 with only one wicket left. But although there are two days left the total should be more than adequate given the condition of the wicket.

19.00 Drink a pint of chilled still water,

19.00 Play chess against computer, about a dozen games of quick level one chess throughout evening. Wins this streak are 77 335 games played over past 10 days with three draws including one run of 95,

19.30 For the three hours I attend to issues of income and expenditure and income tax. I work out that under the new system where the10% rate for the first £2230 of taxable income is abolished to be replaced by single rate of 20%, two pence lower than before there should be a net gain of between £150 and £175 over the year, However the main issue is personal allowance which for those 65-74 can be as much as £2000 more than the basic allowance for the current financial year and which rises by another £1500 for the next. However there is a total income limit which if you have more means that have the difference between the ceiling figure and what one actually gets has to be taken away from the difference between the standards and age allowance. If for example one has an income for £3000 over the ceiling figure to qualify for the extra allowance, this is divided by2 and the amount of £1500 deducted from age allowance which is roughly £2000 more so one gets an actual additional age allowance of £500. These calculations involve a sorting out of papers in the two key financial volumes, one containing a full set of copies of original documents. I was tired after the sorting and working out and played some more chess before finishing the Blog for the fifteenth and uploading to MySpace and printing

23.45.Completing printing and then move onto new friend requests. One rejected and one accepted.

24.00 Sort out emails, some printed, some deleted some saved to PC

00.30 Sort out completed cards for set making and registration work to morrow

00.45 Decide to make these notes to herald new style of Blog writing as commence major work for the year.

01.30 Remember to put the pork roast out from freezer for overnight defrosting

2.55 Go to bed over tired but still mind thinking and not sleeping which I usually do when I hit the pillow, but as in such situations the assessment of time measurement is dubious.

07.00 I guess this when I struggle up but carefully hold the stair banister as I approach the two steps before the toilet and relieve myself returning as quickly as I can to bed and back into slumber. I guess the time as it is light and given the time of going bed and before sleep came it is not unusually to sleep for longer than the usual two hours.

08.45 I awake again, and I now guess the time, for I stayed in bed full of sleep but want to visit the toilet once more and still hold echoes of the dreams but am ready to move on into the day.

09.15 I make strong sugarless coffee open the curtains enjoying the sight of the daffodils, ten of which have moved from bud to trumpet, and in the two wicker hanging baskets, bought in the first spring smaller yellow flowers, can one have yellow Irises, I ought to have noted the various names for this moment. There is only green growth in the two of the three green plastic hanging tubs fitted to the beam cross this end of the garage roof. They were bought because of the content of training flowers, and I debate if they should be replaced with matching wicker, this spring, balancing the additional expense and what to do with the three existing containers. It is a moral dilemma.

09.30ish Andrew Marr is interviewing Jonathan Powell Tony Blair’s Chief of Staff who has written a book about his years of involvement with the government, especially their role in achieving a peace in Northern Ireland when it is admitted the will was there after to Omagh bombing atrocity and the Clinton’s played a major role in helping to change the will into a lasting reality and then into a new form of independent self government. It is an important interview and I am very impressed with the man and want to read his book and wonder why he is not still in government in some form, although it may be he can achieve more by talking to those who now wrestle with the problems about his experiences The programme ends with an interview with Seamus Heaney the Nobel Literature prize winner whose work I am ashamed to say I do not know but will make a priority because it is about the internal conflict and I am tempted to devote more of the morning but apart from doing a quick internet check on them both I will move on.

10.25 It has taken me twenty five minutes to add these notes. I wish I could think and type quicker. I commence internet check after switching on the laptop. Playing chess while it warms up

10.35 Game takes twice as long as it should because my oppositions surrenders some keys pieces early on but I am not prepared to think hard and draw on what I see and the instinct of experience.

10.40 There is no we have exciting news for you from the Lottery, so number 15 has not worked its magic this week or six and nine. There is message 601 on MySpace but I leave until later, I print but do not read what Wikipedia has to say about Seamus Heaney. I did not spell his Christian name correctly despite seeing it on TV.

10.50 The print out of information on Jonathan Powell. What is there is brief and no reference to his book. Is there a book? What there is refers to his power, his influential background, his being taken on by a bank, his attitude toward Brown, his diplomatic experience. I resist switching the rest of my morning to him continue with planned priorities.

10.55 switch on hot water for washing up and washing me and lose location of mobile phone. Do not feel like doing anything physical still or exercising brain or emotions. Decided do some sorting out work but then realise I need to decide about lunch, and decide to do roast so will have some cereal which might spur me to do washing up and should I go for exercise walk? Feel if I do not make the effort now I will not later, At least I have not checked what is on television and become governed by that.

11.30 washing up completed and stuff to take to recycle got ready, Decide to do roast for midday and light oven. Have cereal small portion. Will do application for medical records and walk down to health centre after lunch, but will do some other work now after one or two more games of chess.

11.45 two games won brining the winning streak tom 80 and tempted to continue bringing me to the noon and first twenty four hour experiment of moving from single working written pieces followed by gap and corrections rethink to a diary format but written as the days progresses with an final overview to get back to the original conception that my working experience should be available on line 24/7.

11.55 The time is used to check the address of the Health centre and also reminds to note the telephone number of my doctor. I was given a leaflet when I registered at the old building only to find it demolished and replaced when I went back during last year, although I had noted the building work across the way and wondered what it was for.

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