Tuesday 12 January 2010

1356 Jane Austin's Emma, Boxing.

10.25 27.04.2008
Today could become a solid work only catch up day and therefore my writing will be short and boring. It is the life of 100's of millions who struggle to feed themselves and their families, combat illness and disability, avoid the horrors of civil and racial warfare or are required to work for ten or twelve hours to return exhausted to a sparsely furnished room, and if they are fortunate to be able to briefly share the companionship of family and friend. They may dream of a better life tomorrow although some this is too painful and unrealistic that you concentrate on making the most of what you have than what you have not, The closest I came to such an experience was being in prison but I was fed and clothed and warm.

11.15 Monster washing up completed and now to wash me, water plants and go in search of house shoes. Need some different dandruff shampoo as the Boots brand does not work on me.

12.00 Could not find the house plants watering can until remembering I used it outside. I have five poinsettias., two out of three from three years ago and three out of five from this, the latter all thriving, the former are tall with only some red leaves. The ere is also the inherited cactus with two now fading dark blue flowers with some white and light blue. This is my pride because it was small and neglected and is now about ten times its original size and his been twice re-potted. I also have finished the move of work sets from downstairs to the first floor and vice versa, and cleaned the day room table. Decide that tomorrow I will give the bathroom a throughout clean. Take a decision to convert some half finished 6 to 8 volume lever arch files which have not yet been identified with glitter on the casing with the mini folders which can be housed in boxed. Still puzzled by only to find seven of the old type red boxes where I though I had ten. Will do another search next week. Now to some work updating rather than the letters that were planned.

13.00 Enjoyed a lunch of four pieces of prepared and cooked fish, smoked mackerel, peppered mackerel, smoked salmon and peppered salmon; sufficient to be divided into two with salad but in this stance I decided on the whole platter without anything else and a cup of tea. Before this while sorting out completed cards in subjects watch Joe Calzaghe the six floor 12 stone boxer from Wales where he has lived all his life although born Hammersmith West London, and who has to has now won all his 43 fights and switched weights to win in America on a split vote last night to become a two weight undefeated world champion and beginning to win under the various world champion banner which does tend to make Boxing a questionable sport, although it was also part of my childhood listening to major matches on the radio any my single excursion fighting for the House at school and then being prevented from joining the Boxing club by my birth case care mothers because of additional cost and did want me to fight

Now watching the opening laps of the Spanish Grand Prix in which Hamilton started fifth but managed to gain a place before a first round crash down the field which meant the Safety car had to be deployed.

16.30 One of the problem with an intense period of working is that you do not feel like continuing or doing anything else I was able to watch the rest of the Spanish Grand Prix. There was horrifying accident to the team mate of Lewis but he appears to be Ok with nothing broken but was taken to hospital for a through check having hit a tyre wall at 140 MPH. Started to watch a film Paper Bullets until I remembered that I had seen knew the outcome of a police thriller with yet another corrupt senior policeman in the pay of the local Asian mafia USA style. Now listening to the Simply Red D from last Sunday's Mail which is pleasant stuff, in need of soothing after the work and have a problem with the printer which I can see could involve a trip back to the agents Wonderland is beautiful and is worth buying the paper at £1.50 Sudden thought where the house shoes are located, they were not but did find them elsewhere. When tired I can quickly feel overwhelmed so having a glass of OJ and some shell on prawns... Lots of work can be done photography completed work, making artman glitter cards and some registration of completed set work.
Simply Red Stars: something got me started; stars; thrill me; your mirror; she's got it bad; for your Babies; model; how could I fall; freedom; wonderland, Tour is 29th June 10th July Bristol; Wolves; Liverpool; Manchester; Oxford; Leicester; Ipswich; and London
18.30 The printing is printing. I have completed 46 artman glitter signature cards Development Sets 2060-2065 except for the glitter cards and photographing which I find boring and will spread over the coming week or two to catch up; Culture 2008 sets 9851-9851 and one communications confidential 19519.

20.00 Enjoyed an evening meal of roast chicken breast stuffing and roast potatoes followed by fresh pineapple, accompanied by a glass of Speargrass Shiraz 2006 from South East Australia, a deep crimson wine.

22.00 My work was disrupted by an enormous clap of prolonged thunder followed by torrential rain, both unexpected except that in fairness I did not follow the weather forecast closely, Having switched everything off of then checked what I could see of the sky and witched everything on again and returned to work.

Earlier I had watched an interesting engaging dramatised life of Jane Austin who I sometimes confuse with the Bronte sisters, and where I posses a video Bronte Country and visited the parsonage and went on to the moors as she would have done. Once I had disentangled the two pictures and went to Wikipedia I realise how little I had known anyway, particularly that the published work had appeared over so short a period Sense and Sensibility in 1811 Pride and Prejudice1813' Mansfield Park 1814; Emma 1815, and the Persuasion and Northanger Abbey in 1817 posthumously a period coinciding with the Peninsular War 1808-1814 and when my mothers great grandfather had his childhood in Calne.

The play tonight was a speculation of both what should have and could have been. It is said that only 160 letters of the estimated 3000 she wrote survive loss, destruction and family censorship. It is correct as portrayed in the film that as a young woman she fell in love but the marriage was considered impractical by the families as neither had money and they were kept apart subsequently into meeting again although in the film she does meet the man, married, and unhappy. It is also accurate that she was proposed once and accepted and then withdrew her acceptance the following morning, although there is no evidence of why although it is known that he was an unattractive man of limited conversation and that he was an heir to wealth which would have secured the position of the family whose position as minor gentry. Was always precarious and worsened with time. It is also corrected that she was invited to meet the Library of the Prince Regent who said that the Prince kept a set of her books at each of residence and suggested she dedicate Emma to him.

I enjoyed the film immensely because of its main theme, the problem of being a creative writer in a confining family situation while wanting the conventional of marriage children, social acceptance, but also seeing and understanding the reality and understanding something of the cross she had to bear and that it is unlikely she would have produced her great works had she travelled the conventional life of young girl and married woman at that period. It struck me that it would be good to visit the museum at Chawton and read at one or two of her works again as my head is filled more with the cinema productions and the TV serializations than the original works. While I have Wuthering Heights and Jane Eye of the Bronte's I do not have a Jane Austin, There are now several internet sites where the works can be read on line and printed on line. What also interest me is that it was over 100 years after her death that academic scholarship and writing about her books and the life and times she portrayed commenced and has mushroomed across the world with fan club literary societies devoted to her in the UK, North America and Australia.

00.00 Continuing to work hard on British History and ancient Civilizations. I had two slices of cheese with salami which produced indigestion which served me right and drank a pint of iced water and went to bed around 1 am. I had relaxed with several games of hearts winning four over the day a record and bring to percentage to 17% from 16 and 69 wins from 360. Another form of number symmetry is that completed set 7777 during the course of the evening. I stayed up even till around 2.30 because started to read and think about some of the ancient civilizations and their art.

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