Wednesday 4 March 2009

1104 Staying uo to 5 am day

9.45 16.06.2007 I stayed up at the internet until 5.50 am and then woke around 8.45 and needed to get up and stayed up. How this will affect me will emerge later today as I feel OK now and have been at work for three quarters of an hour, although it is not work in the conventional meaning of the word. I should have said engaged in activity of a serious nature which required my full and undivided attention.

8.45 17.06.2007 I went to bed before midnight emotionally and physically exhausted, low in spirits, having over eaten and not been of my best when communicating with others. I woke refreshed and buzzing with ideas some of which I hope to remember as I write. I had washed up last night, a giant washing up, so I put the kitchen utensils away as I boiled one egg and put the kettle on for a cup of tea. I noticed there were lots of food waste accumulating around the draining plug which I cleaned away, noticing that the draining plug and metal sink base were stained and in need of attention. I keep a bottle of kitchen cleaner with bleach for this purpose and so the sink, the draining plug, and me, were soon sparkling.

I enjoyed the cup of tea but the single egg, a concession, instead of my usual two, was undercooked, and I hate undercooked eggs more than those hard boiled. My work on the kitchen sink and thinking about yesterday, today and writing meant that I did not stand over the pan with my mental timer, in which instance I can usually get at least one of the two eggs cooked to my perfection. I leave the gas on while I test the first egg and if it is okay I enjoy the two. If undercooked I then know for how long to continue with the second.

I am a creative, an exceptional, but neither is anything to boast about. Often creatives, create harm and havoc, even when they produce ideas, work which is of significance to human kind, other creatures, to the planet and the universe. I am not the creator which sometimes, creatives think themselves as being. If I was the creator I would not have created human beings as they are. Yesterday I listen while sitting on the loo to one of those futile discussion programmes involving a mouthpiece of some clever clog radio producer, editor, script writer concoction using a catholic and a secularist to debate about the existence and nature of God arising from the case of the missing child on holiday in Portugal and where the conduct of the parents and their team of advisors is now being questioned because they have audacity to want to finish what they have started, to find out what happened to their daughter, good or bad the outcome.

It is of course normal for the reactions of the public and the media, especially in the UK to turn in this way. We were all emotionally affected by the disappearance of the one child, and the media attention brought back vividly to everyone who had lost a child in similar circumstances or had lost a child the pain or sense of loss, or even had just thought about, felt about, feared about such a situation happening in relation to their who child who arrives later than expected from school, visiting a friend or having a night out on the town.

For me, I remember feeling lost when I was six or seven, maybe even older, after the war on a family train trip to Brighton, Littlehampton or somewhere on the South coast, having taken a special packed excursion train from a local station so that we did not have to travel into central London first and then travel back, adding another hour to the journey. The family. all female had gone to the toilet on arrival at he holiday station, yes it was Brighton I remember now, and for a moment I was left on my own, became engrossed in thought and then did not know where I was or where anyone I knew were, and burst into tears.

When in Dr Zhivago, his daughter describes how during the turmoils of the revolution she had let go, or her mother had let go of her hand, and they had never seen each other again I cry, I cry now, because I know a little of what they was like and I have the imagination and the feelings to understand what it was probably like, and because I know what it is like to experience, then to lose and to know it will never be repeated or recaptured.

So we all admired the parents of one missing child when they began, with help and professional advice, to harness the attention of the media, and through the media the public, to their situation, and continued to find ways of doing this, and are continuing to do so. Then as is natural, the scum comes to surface and motives begin to be questioned. Once someone somewhere questions, others question and we all begin to question. We miss the point about the purpose of the publicity. Designed to knock at the conscience of the perpetrator, perpetrators or those close to them, mother, fathers, brothers sisters, partners, friends so that the perpetrator cannot begin the process of blanking out what they have done, if as we all fear they have killed and hidden the child, or if the miracle has occurred and the child is alive somewhere with others, they cannot rest and those who they know or come into contact may question.

But course this means keeping the pain of the event and the likelihood of what happened to our fore, and human beings cannot bear too much pain, so we all want to forget and enjoy our experience, and therefore we turn on those who refuse to let us forget.

The radio programme producers have a blank to fill so there is opportunity to use the tragedy of others to once more raise issues about the nature of God to those who have tried to reduce God into a human conception using human language.

It is understandable that the when ignorant that the earth is sphere, the best minds of the day conceived it as an overall flat with nothing at it edges and with hell as the molten rock which they knew came to the surface from time to time. It was rational to think of heaven in terms of above, the sun and the stars. Those intent on working out a coherent system of explanations for everything as it was then and was known to have been, and a system for constructively controlling or influencing behaviour as behaviour was then and was known to have been, would not have been able to cope or accept those who pointed out they had created systems based on provable false premise, and consequently they would have directly or indirectly done everything they could to destroy those who questioned their position, and to destroy evidence of the questioning.

The moment we establish that beings of intelligence exist in the universe who are not human, especially if their intelligence is superior to human, and I believe such beings exist, and I also suspect that there are those in governments who also know and may have proof, then the fundamental basis of Christianity, and a God who identifies with humans before other earthly animals as for example is in the Jewish faith, is challenged, and it is inevitable that those who make the challenge are persecuted and attempts made to eliminate evidence of the challenge.

In totalitarian government systems the belief structure can be imposed by force on everyone, and the government at all levels has the power to eliminate anyone who challenges, to eliminate the awareness of their ideas. In dictatorship governments you do not need to have an elaborate belief structure, just some idea or symbol, a geographical boundary for example with all those inside the boundary are us and OK and all those outside are not us and therefore not OK. It can be a single man or a woman and the structure is not of ideas but of maintaining power and eliminating dissent.

It is fortunate that all human beings, whether they have been educated or not, grow up to know that all those who govern, however benign the intent, seek to have a better standard of living than those they govern and also seek to maintain their position against all challenge, and therefore it is best to have a system where you can remove the governors if they displease you, or where the governors are sufficiently content in doing what they do that they have no affect on you and yours. Better still have a government where it is possible for you to become a governor who will not seek to have or maintain a better standard or worry about being removed.

But do not attempt to become such a governor because then you will be attacked and removed by all the other governors, so you form a group of people like you to take control of the majority of the government, but will never be elected because the majority of the electors want to be governors who better themselves over those who are the governed, so you have no option but for you and yours to take power by cunning and by force and having got power to eliminate all opposition, so you became like the people you set out to replace.

Now the idea that God has any likeness to human beings is clearly absurd and is why, if I had been God I would not have created human beings, or if I had by mistake, I would have then kept them in zoos and circuses until I had trained them to behave and not kill it each other and share what they have. So if you are an intelligent and superior being out there, and listening, you know what you have got to do.

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