Monday 16 March 2009

1667 Sunday Roast Chicken and working

Sunday March 16th commenced early with a still blue sky tinged here and there with a soft barely perceptible white. I had a slim cuppa soup and a roll for breakfast. Not the advertised slim food but a less calorie product. I played some chess against the computer coming back to it after a break, having concentrated on, Free Cell where from the start I have not lost a game and now keep pace with the number of Blogs completed viz 665, although my audit has not progressed and will be a priority for April along with the Income tax return and financial affairs records which I continue to neglect.

I was not in the mood for much else even with the Andrew Marr programme having headed north to Scotland and having Scotland’s first minister as the main political interview of the week. When he came to power albeit in as a minority government there was an opinion poll suggesting that over 70% of the population were in favour of fast track full independence but a recent poll suggests the mood has changed with the the numbers down to 57% and 29% firmly against, suggesting that while Alex Salmond remains popular and the best known politician in Scottish politics. His key policy is not. Other news this morning is that the Pope is to make a visit to the UK which is extraordinary given the decline of the recorded Catholics and Christians here and the upsurge elsewhere, that he has kept to the Vatican mostly, apart from going to his birth land. There is news of 2 million unemployed and on the Island of Wight three thousand are people chasing 50 vacancies. There is also news that th Chief Medical Officer for England and Wales is proposing a mimimum price for alcohol at 50p a unit which would ensure that a can of been was not sold for less than £1 or wine for £4, reported to reduce national consumption by 7% and the highter price would maintain the taxation income which will be a government consideration.

My mood was reflected in the music of the morning Jacqueline du Pr’s recording of some of her favourote cello Conerto’s Dvorak 3, Schumann (3), Monn (3) and Elgar (2) and a Saint Saens. I revided and commenced a busy mixture of a day.

Lunch was itsy bitsy as the roast potatores were ready before the chicken so I eat them in two lots, the first smaller already crisp ones and then the remainder with the rest of vegetables from the previous two days, and then a large half breast of chicken, followed by a banana and coffee with a quarter of tangerine cheese cake for tea and then supper comprised the rest of smoked Mackerel with salad and a rice pudding. There were two periods of flagging, early after the midday meal when I had dressed for going out but realised I was not in a fit state so went to the couch and then between 11 pm and midnight when I nearly went to bed but decided to complete some work and then felt refreshed.

As for the project work the main task was sorting out completed MySpace and Google Blogs and photographing the completed volumes after ensuring they were recorded and indexed. Some 500 individual digital photos were made in addition to the 300 of the previous day. I then prepared the artman registration cards for two volunes of MySpace Blogs and four Google Blogs. Over the two days I copied checked, changed and corrected 20 MySpace Blogs converting into Google numbers 1120 to 1140. These were also duplicated as Ggogle Blog Artman Joseph Grech and then futher duplicated in the subject Blogs such as Daily Chronicles, Films and Music. There were two rewritings of novel1992 into artman novel 2007 and this provoked a Google notice query Spam. I therefore made the challenged as advised for human review as opposed to programme review. This I will have my first in house reader of these Blogs as so it appears as no one has left a comment, not that I expected. It will be interesting to see how long before the review takes place.

In addition to the evening showing of the Bond film commented yesterday’s writing there was the last of this season’s Lark Rise to Candleford. There were three stories. The first the wedding between the postman and preacher and the daughter of fhe former Vicar where both went through uncertainties and anxieties before the nuptial before the village to almost end the series. There was also hiccup in the course of true love between the young couple of teh previously divided villages with the young woman realising that she was attracted to wicked young men rather than the doting and at times overwhelming attentions of the the infatuated young man. She was given some wise counsel and appears to have worked out where her best feelings and interests lay. The main event was the arrival of illegitimate child of hotel owner and suitor of the post office mistress. She cared for the boy while the hotel owner recoeverd from his fall. The young man older than his true years immediately made himself at home at the post office helping out as much as he could. The Hotel owner became impatient leaving hospital before he was ready and rushing to establish a relationship with the boy, frightening him in the process. The outcome is that the boy is to stay at the post office while the hotel owner appears to be on his way to find himself again. It is not clear if this means he will not appear in the next series along with the clock maker.

The Antiques Road Show was at Ascot. The Programme reminded that on a previous visit to the area a couple had brounht in an Irish Landscape which had excited the expert who suggested it might be worth between £50000 and £75000. It has been sold to a private collector in Ireland for close on £150000 much to the amazement and delight of the former owners.

Lost has disappeared, I presume for a mid season break. Much remember to check on the morrow. Watched part of Chelsea re man City. Not a good game.

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