Tuesday 24 March 2009

1673 The significance of Jade Goody

Jade Goody was a media creation of this era and was a symbol of the worst and best aspects of contemporary British Life. She was first made into a contemporary devil not once but twice, and on both occasions the same media switched their positions when the public gave her and not them their vote, such is volatility of the British populist press. Now with the sincere help of Max Clifford she is being turned into a people’s saint with a legacy which could outlive that of Princess Diana and help hammer further nails into a coffin for the British aristocratic monarchy and its supporting establishment, especially when younger royalty apes the former Ms Goody’s baser behaviour.

Jade Cerisa Lorraine Goody (born June 5, 1981) and according to her official frank and honest fan site www.janegoodyonline.com her grandfather Winston Coyne arrived in England from the West Indies in 1956 had two children by Jacqueline Goody who Jade claimed ran a brothel and had a crack habit.

Andrew Goody, Jade, father was only was only 16 when he made 21 year old Jackiey Budden pregnant. Their relationship was brief and according to her mother she threw him out of their home after discovering guns when Jade was only 18 months. According to the views of Telegraph, BBC and Guardian I found out that Andrew became a heroin addict, a small time pimp and spent many years in prison because of crimes to feed his drug habit, dying at the age of 42 from an overdose in the lavatory of a fast food restaurant in Bournemouth. My! My! How the image of some British towns has changed over the past three decades of uncontrolled capitalism and irresponsibility by people who know better and usually profess to be Christians?

Her mother appears to have been an equally tragic figure who was described in her autobiography by Jade as a drug using, petty thief and a clipper, that is a woman who pretends to be a prostitute but who disappears as soon as money has changed hands. They lived in Bermondsey in a culturally and economically poor area of London. She taught Jade to smoke pot from the age of five years, announced she was sexually orientated towards women and then lost the use of an arm in a motorcycle accident, using Jade as a crutch, keeping her off school, bullying and beating her to the extent that Jade was placed in local authority care for her own protection.

Unsurprisingly with this example of parental love and authority her attendance and behaviour at school suffered. Jade was expelled from one school when her mother hit another mother and from a second when her mother hit a teacher. Jade has owned up to having been a bully at school and to physical violence. Her schooling at Britain’s first inner city technical college in Rotherhithe, followed by attendance at a special centre for the most deprived and disengaged young people was so successful that the she became an iconic example of the illiterate, ignorant, crude, rude and profane.

I have found no reference to her life as an adolescent and young adult until being selected by Channel Four. It is evident they intended her self exposure to reveal just how awful slutty immoral and ignorant is the underclass, she was intended to represent, and at first the populist media joined in throwing every insult they could. Usually politicians, the establishment, the government and the responsible media attempted to keep a lid on the underclass and limit their potential harm to the community and Britain’s reputation. They are scum, a stain, and a threat to the our future. In this instance Jade lived up to expectation with overt sexuality, nakedness, crudeness and much display of her ignorance. She was so stupid that she had no awareness of how she was being exploited and humiliated. She was proclaimed as the worst example of this type of young woman and Britain’s enemy number one but the more she was attacked and behaved outrageously, the more she was supported by the public and soon the media, subject to market forces, changed tack and declared their support because she was the most watchable and entertaining of the animals in this form of zoo. She stayed in the competition to reach the final, at which point those voting showed they were not as tasteless as previously suggested and she came fourth. Whereas the first three quickly disappeared from public view Jade went from strength to commercial strength, emphasising the failure of the Labour Government’s absurd policy of university education for the masses. Lots of people made lots of money by the promoting the culture of drunken inanity and then expressed shock horror when they same individuals started to kill each other with knives and guns, terrorised our city centres, became dependent on benefits and petty crime and produced a new generation of delinquents, state spongers and ignoramuses. Big business was content because this provided the excuse to export jobs to countries where there was a work hungry poor and any gaps could be made up from the expanded Europe with a tradition of hard work for a good day‘s pay as the right developed across Europe to come and work here for wages and hours which the underclass rejected because of the welfare state support structure and the underclass black economy.

It was no surprise when she was brought back to liven Celebrity Big Brother in 2007 with her boyfriend and her mother. It is believed that she had made several million pounds from her celebrity status, her book and a perfume promoted by Super drug. She then exposed herself further as a bully and a racist and Channel Four were forced to remove from the programme as she became public enemy number one for fulfilling the expectations of the programme promoters and populist media. Some fifty thousand complaints were received by the TV Regulator and Channel Four and her celebrity career was deservedly in ruins.

My own view was good riddance because the attention and prominence given to the underclass was at the point appalling and only served to underline the failure of political short termism to address the underlying causes of the social inadequacy and ignorance being transmitted from generation to generation. Her two children were born to one man and then had other sexual partners, She was accused of being a thief and physically attacking a 51 year old grandmother at a cinema and the man she married is also a criminal. She reminded of the first family I was sent to meet in Manchester by the Manchester and Salford Family Service Unit where the mother now grandmother had appeared on TV such was her status as the head of a problem family which had spread a second generation and third generation with children in care or under probation supervision, criminality and prison, illiteracy and unemployment, multiple sex partners and diverse parenting and a dependency on state benefits and charitable support. However for two hours she gave her opinions on the multitude of social and other workers who visited the extended family over two decades. When you look into the abyss the abyss looks into you. I learnt the lesson and also to understand the background of cause and consequence.

I am sorry that she acquired terminal cancer and has died but I found the media attention obscene and an affront to also those young women who die from a cancer and suffer in silence and are unable to provide for their husband’s to give up work to look after the children and who all have to grieve alone with the families without public support. I was pleased to catch an interview with an organisation providing grief counselling to surviving a parents and their children in such situations and public attention and funding should be directed to such bodies than one individual. This morning the I was horrified to see the extent to which the newspapers are cashing in on the funeral and that a commercial war has broken out between those trying to cash in further with publications and souvenirs of various kinds. Statements made by the Prime Minister and the Archbishop of Canterbury are perplexing.

However all this has to be put into perspective. It is comparatively harmless and will do some good in persuading other young women to be tested at an earlier age than presently. I am concerned that it will be used by politicians to divert further attention from their own part in putting hundreds of thousands of hard working men and women out of work, losing their self respect as well as their homes in some instances, because of the unashamed greed of bankers and financial speculators and their continued sickening lifestyles. Jade was no more than the underside of the sickening power and wealth structure in the UK which continues to exploit the working and middle classless for their immoral and unchristian ends.

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